The role of a fairy tale in the education and upbringing of a child

Posted by June 24, 2022

In childhood, fathers, mothers or grandmothers and grandfathers read fairy tales and to everyone. Probably, many Russian people know by heart the plots of folk tales, which are still passed from mouth to mouth from the older generation to the younger. Why does this tradition exist for more than one century?

It is well known that children perceive the most important information only through colorful images. Therefore, fairy tales are the best way to convey the necessary primary information about the world around us.

If in the first ten years of life, parents or other relatives tell fairy tales and explain their meaning, the child develops correct ideas about the relationship between close and unfamiliar people, about good and evil, about good and bad.

Discussions of fabulous situations with dads, moms, grandparents help the baby learn life lessons and draw analogies with reality. Subsequently, the child will develop the ability to make the right choice at the right time, to see the positive and negative sides in any situation. Such a kid can easily identify the consequence and cause of the events, see the purpose of his life and show his best qualities consciously.

If fairy tale stories and were not discussed in the family circle, then the concepts from the fairy tale are in a passive state – the child knows them, will remember them if necessary, but will not be able to put them into practice in a real situation.

In any fairy tale there is a simple idea: the unity of nature and man. The child understands that the world around us is alive, he has feelings and thoughts. This is necessary to create a more meaningful and careful attitude to living and non-living objects, to realize that everyone has the right to exist.

Fairy tales also contribute to the formation in the child of the necessary qualities for later life.

In each fairy tale, good traditionally wins, which develops the desire for the best and fortitude.
Already in fairy tales, the child is taught that only work can achieve something, and what comes easily can quickly go away. The kid comes to realize that people in real life, like goodies in a fairy tale, need to go through tests and make efforts to achieve the goal.
In fairy tales, various creatures, magical objects and other unusual helpers help the protagonist. But they only appear in situations where the character cannot cope on his own. This idea forms a sense of independence and trust in the world and people.
Even our ancestors noticed that fairy tales have a positive effect on the development of the younger generation.

if parents explain to the child unfamiliar words in fairy tales, his vocabulary increases;
if you ask a kid to retell the plot of a fairy tale, he will have the ability to convey his thoughts clearly and competently. Also, the child will learn to separate the secondary from the main, draw conclusions, defend his position, which will be useful to him in the future;
if adults read fairy tales with expression and correct intonation, the child, imitating the elders, will try to speak more emotionally;
fantasy and imagination cannot be developed without reading fairy tales.
If the child is interested in the story, the kid will definitely begin to imagine the characters and think out the plot.

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