Health benefits of postpartum yoga

Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine found that yoga, including the practice of breathing techniques and, significantly reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. Based on this study, it is recognized that postpartum yoga exercises also have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a young mother. Sleep improves, the hormonal background stabilizes, sad thoughts and the state of “Groundhog Day” cease to capture the attention of a woman.

The journal ScienceDirect also publishes research on how yoga affects the physical and emotional state of a person and indicates a positive trend in the treatment of depression through classes. It is also noted that yoga can become an auxiliary tool, but in some cases, and only the attending physician can know about it, one should approach the issue in a comprehensive manner.

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How to build relationships so that the children that appear do not destroy them?

– How to treat children so that the relationship between parents does not suffer.

Parental responsibilities, as a new element in the family system, which appeared later, should be subordinate to marital, be, so to speak, derived from them. That is, love for a child in a healthy relationship goes through love for a partner and

In our country, the situation is quite common when the wife, after the birth of the child, completely concentrates on him, while the man who is also trying to intervene in the upbringing process is often told that he is doing something wrong.

– What causes the mother’s misbehavior.

So, a new joint “we” arises for a mother and child, and dad (he was once a beloved person), feeling his own uselessness, often goes into all serious trouble. The indignant wife raises a fuss, forgetting that she was the first to change priorities, putting the child in the first place and thus ousting her husband from the marital space.

By the way, this often happens in the literal sense – the small one moves to the matrimonial bed, because it is more convenient, and often stays there instead of dad.

The child, having gone beyond the age of a baby, in such a situation begins to realize himself, regardless of gender, as a “functional” husband, which is also manifested in a dismissive attitude towards his mother’s real husband, his father.

What is the child suffering from?

At the same time, a child who, due to his age, is unprepared for a role unusual for him and, is disoriented, he is under an unnecessary burden of responsibility like “I’m now for dad.”

Everyone comes to their senses when finally the “extra” dad, who is actually a “retired” husband, announces that he is leaving the family.

– How best to treat the child.

The most acceptable disposition is when mother and father tell their children: if you grow up, you will be beautiful, like mom, or strong, like dad. That is, they put themselves as spouses in the first place, and they love children as an extension of each other.

This is how mutual respect is maintained. The child does not get involved in adult life, but feels the strong support of loving parents behind him.

Parents need to remember that children should not influence their marital relationship!

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Execution technique We sit on our heels, and then lower our stomach to the hips, head to the floor. We take our hands back, we place them along the body. We relax the muscles of the back as much as possible and release all tension with each exhalation. We linger in the pose of a child for 10 deep breath cycles.

Full length of a young woman sitting in child’s pose on a yoga mat

Simplifications. If the head does not sink to the floor, you can put a block or pillow under your forehead, substitute one fist on the other for support.

Benefit. It relaxes the muscles of the back, relieves pain in the lumbar region, and includes the parasympathetic division of the nervous system.

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Unclear future. We bring clarity!

– I dream that my child will be a successful lawyer. This profession is always in demand. And brings money.

– Already spent a huge amount of money on tutors and If he doesn’t do it, he won’t see a “bright future”.

– Higher education is essential. Here he will receive a diploma, then let him search for himself. And my mission will be accomplished.

These are the statements of parents worried about the future of their children. Most of them believe that getting a higher education is a ticket to a happy tomorrow. And they make a lot of efforts so that the child receives this ticket.

– I want to do computer development. The future of the Internet. Why do I need a diploma? Only time to waste.

– Mom insists on entering the university. And I’m already making money. And I make good money. I run my page on instagram, I talk about makeup.

– What do I dream of becoming? I want to travel the world and write about my experiences and

And these are the statements of children who are preparing to enter the “big world”.

What is really going on in the “big world”? According to experts, by 2030, approximately 67 professions that are taught today will disappear. What will replace them, how and where to learn them is not yet entirely clear. Therefore, compulsory higher education becomes controversial.

According to employers, we need not just specialists with a diploma, but people who are able to adapt to changing conditions, able to make quick decisions, understand the situation and the flow of incoming information. And yet, people who know how to build relationships, find an approach to a person, negotiate. Troubleshooters.

The literal translation from English is “shooting off problems” This is the kind of person needed in the future. In the future that has already arrived. And you can help your child to enter it easily.

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Dance mandala

Posted by August 8, 2022

If you don’t like meditation, I can suggest something more energetic. In mandalotherapy there is another very interesting way that works not only with the mind, but also with the body. Mandala dance is ideal for those who are bored of sitting for hours in meditation.

This method was developed by a charming woman – Maya Mandala. Through dance, she was able not only to come to the expression of her true essence, but also to create a completely new system of work with the entire human body.

It turns out that the mandala dance is able to work through the existing problem at all three levels: energy, mental and physical. This practice includes dance moves, breathing exercises, and attention management techniques.

By dancing the mandala, a person can “ground” and come into closer contact with his body in order to become aware of his natural rhythms and cycles. In this natural state, wisdom, depth and at the same time simplicity of life are revealed.

The dance itself is built on the principle of sacred geometry: it has its own center, external form and internal content. The external form is expressed through various dance movements – figure eights, circles, spirals and waves. At the heart of the internal structure are seven energy centers that connect the external and internal.

The main form used in the mandala dance is the figure eight, the symbol of infinity. By drawing figure eights with your body, you build a balance in your mind and tune in to the necessary energy. Spirals and waves are also used in the dance. By “dancing” these elements, you set the energy in the right direction. The circle in this mystical dance has the function of uniting all elements – both external and internal.

Through the dance-mandala, you can harmonize all spheres of life, restore calm and balance to it.

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Unusual hobbies of children

Posted by August 8, 2022

These include:

conditionally unusual – like yoga or archery or read;
expensive, and therefore rare – equestrian sport, breeding of exotic animals;
dangerous activities – parkour, roofing (moving on roofs), digging (studying mines, underground tunnels).

There is an impressive list of teen hobbies that we didn’t hear about until a few years ago. They mainly arose as a result of the development of technology and the growing popularity of online communication, or they came to us from other countries / cultures due to the erasure of physical boundaries by the Internet.

By the way, some of these activities can be commercially successful and become a source of income.


blogging – maintaining personal accounts on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Like, etc.;
cosplay – dressing up as your favorite characters.
ficwriting – writing fanfiction and read
There is also gaming and esports in general, LEGO design and robotics, website development, photo retouching, programming and much, much more.

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Face to face meditation training

Posted by July 13, 2022


Historically, face-to-face teaching of meditation practices between an expert teacher and students has been the main way that most people have mastered the relaxation technique.
They provide an opportunity to receive individual recommendations dictated by personal characteristics and circumstances.
Allows you to make progress in a short time.
Just like a personal fitness trainer, your meditation teacher will keep your workouts under control and motivate you, despite various “excuses”, to practice regularly.
Some teachers (especially Vedic ones) provide lifelong support to their students. This means you can contact them whenever you have questions, at no additional cost.


The high cost of training can sometimes be a barrier, as some teachers value their work, long-term support, in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Today, anyone can call themselves the best meditation teacher. There are no clear criteria by which it would be possible to assess the degree of his qualifications. So beware of scammers.

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How to help your child love math

Posted by July 8, 2022

Adults deal with numbers and every day, from calculating the cost and quantity of groceries to planning travel times. They also may not notice the presence of mathematics to their advantage, for example, for football, you need to calculate the number of points of teams, for baking, you need to weigh the ingredients, calculate their quantity and cooking time.

But how to explain mathematics to a child in an exciting way? It’s very simple. For example, the topic of fractions can be analyzed using real life examples, such as slices of cake or pizza. Board and card games, sudoku, books with mathematical concepts and tasks, such as determining the number of packages of sweets that will be needed for the son’s or daughter’s holiday gifts, will help to learn numbers interestingly.

To motivate your student to study the exact sciences, encourage logical skills in children.

Encourage your son or daughter to gradually and slowly figure out the problem, offer their own way of solving it. If you want to know how to teach your child math, you can consider the following methods.

Play math games
Often, number and comprehension skills are developed in an informal setting. Buy board games with an emphasis on exact sciences and logic. This is a great way to relieve stress and just enjoy the learning process.

Be an example
Some children love to learn on their own, while others need extra help with this difficult subject. When teaching children about mathematics, use a personal example, show how you apply knowledge of exact sciences in life – when calculating a budget or making a recipe.

Focus on logic
If you want your kids to learn well, don’t focus on their wrong answers. You need to focus on logic. Ask how the child got his answer. So you can analyze at what stage the difficulty arose with solving problems.

Explain that it’s okay to make mistakes
Responding calmly to mistakes is a kind of endurance test that can be an effective way of learning. Parents should convey to the child the idea that not everything works out the first time.

Looking for interesting training
How to help a child fall in love with mathematics if the parents were not strong in this subject? There are many free resources for learning. Encourage your children to make good use of their time online. You can find more than just entertainment content on YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram: look for expert and community pages with educational content.

Encourage a growth mindset
Often psychological attitudes interfere in life. Does your child not understand math? Or perhaps he is simply afraid to challenge himself because of his own limitations in thinking. Explain to the children that no one is born a mathematician, everything comes with experience.

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The role of a fairy tale in the education and upbringing of a child

Posted by June 24, 2022

In childhood, fathers, mothers or grandmothers and grandfathers read fairy tales and to everyone. Probably, many Russian people know by heart the plots of folk tales, which are still passed from mouth to mouth from the older generation to the younger. Why does this tradition exist for more than one century?

It is well known that children perceive the most important information only through colorful images. Therefore, fairy tales are the best way to convey the necessary primary information about the world around us.

If in the first ten years of life, parents or other relatives tell fairy tales and explain their meaning, the child develops correct ideas about the relationship between close and unfamiliar people, about good and evil, about good and bad.

Discussions of fabulous situations with dads, moms, grandparents help the baby learn life lessons and draw analogies with reality. Subsequently, the child will develop the ability to make the right choice at the right time, to see the positive and negative sides in any situation. Such a kid can easily identify the consequence and cause of the events, see the purpose of his life and show his best qualities consciously.

If fairy tale stories and were not discussed in the family circle, then the concepts from the fairy tale are in a passive state – the child knows them, will remember them if necessary, but will not be able to put them into practice in a real situation.

In any fairy tale there is a simple idea: the unity of nature and man. The child understands that the world around us is alive, he has feelings and thoughts. This is necessary to create a more meaningful and careful attitude to living and non-living objects, to realize that everyone has the right to exist.

Fairy tales also contribute to the formation in the child of the necessary qualities for later life.

In each fairy tale, good traditionally wins, which develops the desire for the best and fortitude.
Already in fairy tales, the child is taught that only work can achieve something, and what comes easily can quickly go away. The kid comes to realize that people in real life, like goodies in a fairy tale, need to go through tests and make efforts to achieve the goal.
In fairy tales, various creatures, magical objects and other unusual helpers help the protagonist. But they only appear in situations where the character cannot cope on his own. This idea forms a sense of independence and trust in the world and people.
Even our ancestors noticed that fairy tales have a positive effect on the development of the younger generation.

if parents explain to the child unfamiliar words in fairy tales, his vocabulary increases;
if you ask a kid to retell the plot of a fairy tale, he will have the ability to convey his thoughts clearly and competently. Also, the child will learn to separate the secondary from the main, draw conclusions, defend his position, which will be useful to him in the future;
if adults read fairy tales with expression and correct intonation, the child, imitating the elders, will try to speak more emotionally;
fantasy and imagination cannot be developed without reading fairy tales.
If the child is interested in the story, the kid will definitely begin to imagine the characters and think out the plot.

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3 pranayamas to restore the balance of the autonomic nervous system

Posted by June 18, 2022

It was said above that the autonomic nervous system works independently of our will. But there is one bodily function that can serve as a bridge between the autonomic nervous system and our will center. This is breath.

Breathing is usually controlled by the autonomic nervous system involuntarily, but we also have the ability to consciously control the breathing muscles. Breathing is the point of contact of the conscious and unconscious work of the body. And breathing will help us gain control over the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

The practice of yoga, pranayama, and muscle stretching stimulate the vagus nerve, which is the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system. With regular practice, stress levels will decrease and health will improve.

Belly breathing (abdominal breathing)
– Lie on your back so that gravity does not interfere with the movement of the diaphragm. Close your eyes.
– Wait until the breath calms down and comes to a normal pace and depth.
– Focus on the area below the navel.
– Take a slow deep breath, relaxing and expanding the stomach. Feel your belly expand outwards and down at the same time. Notice the sensation as if the air you are breathing is pressing against your perineum. Don’t stress.
– While exhaling, pull the navel to the back and up. The chest is still and relaxed.

You can help yourself by placing one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest. When inhaling, the hand above the navel should rise up to the ceiling. When exhaling, it should go down. Control the chest with the other hand. She must remain still and relaxed.

Chandra Nadi pranayama or lunar breathing
– Sit in a sitting posture with a straight back, keep your head and neck straight as well. Padmasana, vajrasana or sukhasana are well suited for this practice. You can also just sit in a chair with a straight back and relaxed shoulders.
Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Inhale slowly and silently through the left nostril to a count of 5.
Close the left nostril with the ring finger of the right hand and at the same time open the right nostril. Exhale slowly and silently to the count of 5.
This is one breath cycle. Perform pranayama for 3 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the session to 10 minutes every day.

Kaki Mudra Pranayama (Crow’s Beak Breathing)
– Sit in the meditative pose of Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana. Place your hands on your knees in Chin Mudra.
-Pull out your lips with a tube, focus on the tip of your nose.
– Slowly take a deep breath through your mouth (mouth tube)
-Pinch your lips and exhale slowly through your nose.

This exercise affects the sensations of the tongue and the inside of the mouth, which are innervated by the vagus nerve, favoring parasympathetic activity.

This cooling pranayama is ideal for hot weather when excessive sympathetic activity manifests itself as sweating.

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