What exercises are there in hatha yoga?

Hatha yoga https://www.julianalucky.com/post/10-top-yoga-books-for-kids practices are divided into several groups.

Asanas are certain poses, static or dynamic. Among the most famous are chaturanga dandasana, which resembles the classic push-up; chair, warrior, boat, dog head down or up, and other poses. All can be divided into lying, sitting and standing exercises; bending and flexing, twisting, inverting and balancing. Some are aimed at increasing body endurance and muscle strength, while others are aimed at stretching the muscles.
Pranayamas – breathing exercises, during which you need to take inhalations, exhalations, to perform breath-holding. It is important to maintain maximum concentration on the process. Pranayamas allow you to learn how to keep the energy in the body under control and direct it in a certain direction.
Meditations can be performed during the class, after the exercises, and shavasana is performed at the end of the training. Practitioners assume the corpse pose: lying down on the floor, eyes closed, arms and legs free and away from the body. For maximum relaxation, it is recommended to first strongly stretch the feet and the top of the body in different directions, and then sharply relax. To take your mind off your thoughts, you can focus on the tip of your nose or your breath, the sound of a mantra or another object. This allows you to accumulate the energy received during the practice.
Mudras are special hand postures. They are performed either alone or in combination with other exercises.
Hatha yoga as a philosophical teaching also includes other practices. These include shatkarma (purification) – fasting, nasal washing and so on. Acupuncture massage is used: the impact on the biological active points of the body during classes.

In total in hatha-yoga there are four stages – yamas (five moral foundations, which include non-violence (ahimsa), ascesis (brahmacharya), truthfulness (satya) and others); niyamas – five rules of inner self-development and spiritual development, asanas – static postures, pranayamas – breathing techniques.

Those who do not just perform exercises and meditations, but adhere to the philosophy of hatha yoga in everyday life, eat a certain way. In the menu there is no animal protein, a lot of dairy products, vegetable oils, nuts, plant foods. The most important thing is not to overdo it. After all, one of the basic principles of hatha yoga is the absence of violence, including violence against yourself.

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