Standing asanas for beginners

Regular yoga classes ensure a lean and healthy body, as well as excellent well-being. For people with no practice experience, special standing asanas for beginners are perfect, which are easy to perform even without prior training. Next, we will look at the main ones.

Asanas for beginners in a standing position
The ability to balance is important not only physically, but also spiritually. Therefore, asanas standing on one leg are very popular among beginners and practicing yogis. At first glance, it may seem that it is very simple even for a beginner to complete them, but in the process of practice, you understand the complexity of each of them.

Standing asanas provide a certain base that will be required for further practice. They prepare the body for complex postures, which helps to avoid injuries and discomfort in the body. The correct performance of such asanas teaches you to keep the right position of the body, evenly distributing the weight and getting the most out of the practice. In addition, such poses:

align the spine;
learn to stand correctly;
help to get rid of the deformity of the feet, align the so-called “triangle of the hips”;
develop the habit of keeping the correct posture, keeping the back straight;
provide gradual strengthening of the muscles of the legs and back.
Regular repetition of such poses increases self-confidence and develops the ability to concentrate, calming the mind.

Standing on one leg is especially effective, the second leg is raised to the side – it develops a sense of balance and the ability to keep your back straight. At the same time, the thigh and abdominal muscles are strengthened. This asana is indicated for people who have a sedentary job or spend a long time on their feet. It is useful to perform it in case of a decline in vitality, regardless of age and gender (asana can be performed by people of any age, and is also shown to children).

Intense pose standing on one leg, hands up is a practice for calming the mind, strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs and back. It is important to perform this asana correctly, without leaning forward and keeping your arms parallel. In this pose, it is recommended to follow the sensations in the back and arms, trying to focus on them. After a while, the asana can be made more difficult or the amount of time spent in it can be increased.

Contraindications for standing asanas
Those who attend yoga classes know that the practice has few contraindications. But it is important to follow a few simple rules that will help avoid unpleasant consequences:

Standing postures are not performed during the period of illness and antibiotics, as well as in the postoperative period.
For standing asanas, a contraindication may be menstruation in women, when it is better to refuse to perform twists and power asanas that load the abdominal muscles.
It is worth doing yoga exclusively on an empty stomach in order to achieve greater efficiency from the practice and avoid discomfort in the body.
During the course of deep massage and acupuncture, you should avoid performing power standing asanas.
Always monitor the sensations in the body when performing certain asanas while standing, stopping the practice if pain occurs. And it is best to study with an experienced teacher. You will always find a suitable mentor in our School, you can discuss with him the possibility of attending group classes or individual practices – as it suits you.

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