Nationwide protests that started December 2018 led to the ousting of Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir, after 29 years of authoritarian rule. Military and civilian leaders signed a power-sharing deal in August 2019 forming a transitional government. The transitional period faces many challenges including Sudan’s economic crisis. Authorities have embarked on reforms but have yet to provide justice and accountability for past crimes including the killings and other abuses committed during the government’s violent dispersal of protesters in Khartoum on June 3, 2019. The deputy chair of the ruling sovereign council is also commander of the Rapid Support Forces, which has a record of abuses in Darfur and elsewhere.
Peace talks with armed opposition groups are ongoing in Juba. Clashes between government and armed groups and intercommunal violence in Darfur continue to pose threats to civilians’ safety. Hundreds of thousands still live in displaced persons camps across the region.
Former president al-Bashir and other leaders from his government remain in detention in Khartoum. Sudan’s leaders announced willingness to cooperate with the International Criminal Court but have not explained how.

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