Russia: Forcible Disappearances of Ukrainian Civilians
Detainees Unlawfully Transferred to Russia, Possibly Held as Hostages

The Human Rights Council is the main inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for addressing situations of human rights violations. The Council also receives thematic and country-specific reports from a series of independent expert mechanisms, including special procedures, as well as from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Since the Council’s inception in 2006, Human Rights Watch has been involved in strengthening its capacity to promote and protect human rights worldwide and be more responsive to the needs of victims of rights violations. We work to cast a light on the activities of the Council, hold its members accountable for their actions and advance compliance with its objective of addressing “situations of violations of human rights, including gross and systematic violations” around the world.
Detainees Unlawfully Transferred to Russia, Possibly Held as Hostages
Killings Apparently Unlawful, Any Future Peace Talks Should Prioritize Justice
UN Rights Body Should Ensure International Investigations Continue
Critics Intimidated, Arbitrarily Detained, Beaten
Joint Letter to the Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council
At a critical juncture for Burundi, the Special Rapporteur’s mandate remains vital
HRW oral statement - ID on High Commissioner report on Venezuela - HRC56
Human Rights Watch Oral Statement - Item 6 Universal Periodic Review Outcome Adoption
Member states should implement her recommendations to protect Belarusians in exile and advance accountability for international crimes
Human Rights Organizations Call for Urgent Action
Rights Groups Urge UN Rights Chief to Follow up on Xinjiang Report
56th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council