Bill Van Esveld
Bill Van Esveld began working on children’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa in 2015. For the previous six years he focused on Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. As the Arthur Helton research fellow at Human Rights Watch in 2007-08, he wrote or contributed to reports on Western Sahara and Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria, asylum seekers in Egypt and Israel, and migrant workers in the United Arab Emirates. Before joining Human Rights Watch, Van Esveld helped report on Iraq for the International Center for Transitional Justice, and on human rights developments in the UN General Assembly for the International Service for Human Rights. He holds a J.D. from NYU Law, where he was a fellow at the Institute for International Law and Justice.
Articles Authored
August 26, 2024
July 31, 2024
Israeli Lawmakers Try to Block Torture Prosecutions
December 15, 2023
Gaza Blockade Puts People with Diabetes at Risk
December 1, 2023
Birth and Death Intertwined in Gaza Strip
October 18, 2023
Israel: Unlawful Gaza Blockade Deadly for Children
September 29, 2023
Clashes in Lebanon Risk Disrupting Education for Thousands of Children
April 25, 2023
Iran: Security Forces Kill, Torture, Abuse Children
February 22, 2023
Thousands of Refugee Students Cut off from Classes in Lebanon
Reports Authored
Israel: Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured
ICC Prosecutor Should Investigate Attacks on Health Care, Detainee Abuses
Education under Occupation
Forced Russification of the School System in Occupied Ukrainian Territories
Israel: Unlawful Gaza Blockade Deadly for Children
Denial of Water, Fuel, Electricity Endangers Lives
“We Must Provide a Family, Not Rebuild Orphanages”
The Consequences of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine for Children in Ukrainian Residential Institutions
“Without Education They Lose Their Future”
Denial of Education to Child Asylum Seekers on the Greek Islands
Syria: Children Under Attack in Damascus Enclave
UN Security Council Should Act on Eastern Ghouta Situation
Iraq/KRG: 1,400 Women, Children From ISIS Areas Detained
Investigate Killings, Abductions of Foreign Men
Turkey: Education Barriers for Asylum Seekers
Afghan, Iranian Children Lack Status, Risk Child Labor
“Forget About Him, He’s Not Here”
Israel’s Control of Palestinian Residency in the West Bank and Gaza
Separate and Unequal
Israel’s Discriminatory Treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories